Besides normal anxiety, some of the procedures we do utilize pharmacologies that can impact blood pressure. So having an accurate read prior to the start of treatment is extremely important, particularly if the patient has high blood pressure or is on medication for it.
Another reason is that many people are unaware that they have high blood pressure, largely because they don’t get an annual check-up with their physician. A visit to the dentist should not replace that, but checking BP as part of the exam can alert patients to a potential problem.
Hypertension or high blood pressure affects more than one in three adults in the United States. It’s also estimated that another 30 percent of the population has pre-hypertension. That’s blood pressure higher than what’s considered acceptable for an adult, 120 systolic/80 diastolic.
Prior to 2007, 135/85 had been considered an acceptable pressure. That now is considered pre-hypertension. So there’s a real need to stay on top of your blood pressure.
That’s something we do not take lightly at The Toothboss. As a dental student, one of my professors assigned us the task of practicing taking blood pressure readings on friends and family. I practiced on my father. The first reading was shocking so I took it again and again. Each came back with the same conclusion. My father had high blood pressure.
My practicing on him probably saved his life because I’m not sure he would have gone to the doctor on his own. It’s for people like my father that we are taking this extra step. First, I will do the BP screenings as part of the comprehensive exams. Once we upgrade our machinery, everybody who visits the Toothboss will have their blood pressure checked, by me and our hygienists.