How it works is simple. The disclosing solution, when applied to the patient’s mouth, adheres to areas of plaque build-up. When we examine your teeth, those notable areas are identified with a pink marker. We can then show you the trouble areas so you know where to focus more attention.
In addition to use of disclosing solution to determine trouble spots, we have added a more complete charting of the gum pockets that surround the teeth, a review of the patient’s health history, a blood pressure screening, and other procedures to complement the normal services his hygienists provide.
The health history is particularly important, particularly if you are on a medication that gives you dry mouth. You see, saliva washes away plaque. If you are on a medication that gives you dry mouth, that means that plaque is not being washed away and potentially doing damage to your teeth and or gums. By making a health history review part of our re-care services, we can address the side effects of medication so it doesn’t harm your teeth.
Are you due for your next check-up? Please call 781-335-0604 to schedule an appointment.