Monday, December 23, 2013

Have a heart, keep brushing your teeth!

Parents have been telling their children to brush their teeth since the beginning of time (perhaps a slight exaggeration). Based on recent evidence linking excellent gum tissue health to a reduction in atherosclerosis—a major contributor to coronary disease--a new trend may be children reminding their parents to brush better and more frequently.

Artherosclerosis is the thickening of arteries through the accretion of calcium, cholesterol and other substances found in the bloodstream. This condition has been linked to fatal cardiovascular complications like coronary heart disease and peripheral arterial disease. According to the findings from researchers from the Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, flossing, brushing and regular trips to the dentist can slow the rate of atherosclerosis.

When people are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, the first things they talk about are eating right and exercise. This report makes a strong case that improving your oral hygiene should be part of the healthier living package. Considering what’s a stake, you can’t argue.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing about 600,000 people each year. That accounts for one-fourth of all recorded fatalities. On average, deaths and illnesses associated with coronary heart disease cost the U.S $109 billion annually.

Part of what makes the results of this study so important is that it shows people a way to improve their heart health that’s really affordable. For merely the cost of brushing your teeth twice a day for a minimum of two minutes, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist at his recommended interval (which can vary depending on each patient needs) can protect you from the devastating results of heart disease.

For complete results of the survey, you can see the entire report on the American Heart Association’s website at

To take your first step to better oral hygiene and a healthier heart, call  781-335-0604 to schedule an appointment. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December is oral cancer screening month

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, 42,000 people in the United States will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer in 2013. To raise awareness among current patients and new patients, we have has declared December "Oral Cancer Awareness Month".

Sure, the national Oral Cancer Foundation has an awareness month that takes place in April but heading into the holidays where people partake in many of the habits that can lead to oral cancers-smoking and drinking-we thought it important to create some additional awareness.

As part of Oral Cancer Awareness month, we will be speaking to patients about the behaviors that can lead to oral cancers, which includes, tongue, tonsillar, and throat cancer. Oral cancers can be genetic, but primarily people who smoke or use other tobacco products, drink alcohol or are exposed to the HPV-16 virus (human papilloma virus version 16), are at increased risk for developing the disease.

Just as we have done for the past 25 years, we will continue to provide an oral cancer screening exams as part of each comprehensive exam that includes examination of the inside part of the cheeks, roof of the mouth the back side and underneath the tongue. As part of their exam, our hygienists, as a result of current research findings, will palpate the lymph nodes located in your neck and underneath your jaw to make sure the usually soft nodes are not hard which can be sign of a problem.

As it is with any cancer, the earlier you detect it the faster you can treat it. And as the numbers indicate, oral cancers are treatable if detected soon enough and that's why we are taking these extra steps to make our patients aware of this risk and be proactive by checking our patients annually.

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation website, "When found at early stages of development, oral cancers have an 80 to 90 % survival rate. Unfortunately, the majority are found as late stage cancers, and this accounts for the very high death rate of about 43% at five years from diagnosis, and high treatment related morbidity in survivors."

For more information, you can visit the Oral Cancer Foundation's website at you due for your next check-up? Please call 781-335-0604 to schedule an appointment.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Toothboss: A Veteran’s Story

Colonel Richard Wolfert, AKA The Toothboss
Like a lot of veterans, I don’t often talk about my experience in the military. Yet for those who ask where did you come up with a name like “The Toothboss”, you have heard the story about some of my military service. Specifically, the Commander who gave everybody a title and if you were in charge of something, you were the boss. If you ran the mess or cafeteria, you were the mess boss. I took care of teeth, so I was the Toothboss.

What can I say, the name stuck.

For this Veteran’s Day, I thought I would share my story of military service.
I joined the military since 1981 and have served 32 years total. I took a one-year sabbatical in 1988 when I made the transition from the Active Navy and Reserves to the Army National Guard Reserve.

I guess the main reason I joined was I come from a military family. My Dad was involved with making munitions at National Fireworks in Hanover. My two older brothers are Vietnam vets (Marines and Army). Coming from a patriotic family, I felt I should serve.

I think my most significant achievement (other than coming home from Iraq in one piece, physically and mentally) was achieving the rank of a full-bird Colonel about 15 years ago.

I suspected that was going to be my pinnacle and that I'd get out when I got my "20 year letter". When I got to the 20-year point, I realized that duty was somewhat easier at this rank and time in life. With the kids being older (no more missed soccer games, etc. with weekend duty and summer camp) and me enjoying the break it gave me from a solo private practice, remaining in the service enabled me to continue the camaraderie, the testosterone, and the general feeling that I was providing a service to our soldiers with my special training. It gives me a good feeling. 

I can't say the military has made me a better dentist, but it certainly made me realize how important a pain-free mouth was for soldiers to be better decision makers. You don't want the guy with his fingers on an M-16 or a nuclear weapon having a toothache!

The military certainly gave me confidence in myself and in my craft--enough to begin and maintain a private practice for 25 years. It's a good training ground for learning to be a leader and a manager of people. Although I have to admit, managing soldiers (mostly men) is a lot easier than managing a bunch of woman in private practice!

When I go to Veterans Day services, I mostly think about my brothers and those whom served in the Vietnam War. I came home to a United States that was positive about what we were doing in Iraq. I can't imagine what it must have been like for those poor guys getting off the plane from their tour in Vietnam and being lambasted for missions that were not so popular and a military that was not held in the highest esteem. When I came off the plane we were met with people holding flags and handing out paid phone cards so we could immediately call our loved ones. And when I got home the Veteran Service Agent handed me a check for a thousand bucks for duty served.

I’m proud to be a veteran and proud of my family’s history of service. I guess what I think about most on Veteran’s Day is how lucky we are to live in a country where so many of its citizens have been willing and are still willing to serve.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Toothboss adds blood pressure screening to comprehensive exam services

For more than a few people, a trip to the dentist can raise their blood pressure. If that fear/anxiety raises your blood pressure to pre-hypertension levels—120-139 Systolic and greater than 80 Diastolic—then it might be risky treating that patient. That’s why we have added blood pressure screening as part of the comprehensive annual exam for patients.

Besides normal anxiety, some of the procedures we do utilize pharmacologies that can impact blood pressure. So having an accurate read prior to the start of treatment is extremely important, particularly if the patient has high blood pressure or is on medication for it.

Another reason is that many people are unaware that they have high blood pressure, largely because they don’t get an annual check-up with their physician. A visit to the dentist should not replace that, but checking BP as part of the exam can alert patients to a potential problem.

Hypertension or high blood pressure affects more than one in three adults in the United States. It’s also estimated that another 30 percent of the population has pre-hypertension. That’s blood pressure higher than what’s considered acceptable for an adult, 120 systolic/80 diastolic.

Prior to 2007, 135/85 had been considered an acceptable pressure. That now is considered pre-hypertension. So there’s a real need to stay on top of your blood pressure.

That’s something we do not take lightly at The Toothboss. As a dental student, one of my professors assigned us the task of practicing taking blood pressure readings on friends and family. I practiced on my father. The first reading was shocking so I took it again and again. Each came back with the same conclusion. My father had high blood pressure.

My practicing on him probably saved his life because I’m not sure he would have gone to the doctor on his own. It’s for people like my father that we are taking this extra step. First, I will do the BP screenings as part of the comprehensive exams. Once we upgrade our machinery, everybody who visits the Toothboss will have their blood pressure checked, by me and our hygienists.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Watch your mouth! The Toothboss adds valuable procedures to hygiene services

One of the biggest challenges dentists and hygienists face with patients is not only getting them to brush but addressing the problem areas that normal brushing might not take care of. As part of our hygiene services, we are now using a disclosing solution and a camera so patients can see those trouble spots so they can adjust brushing accordingly.

How it works is simple. The disclosing solution, when applied to the patient’s mouth, adheres to areas of plaque build-up. When we examine your teeth, those notable areas are identified with a pink marker. We can then show you the trouble areas so you know where to focus more attention.
In addition to use of disclosing solution to determine trouble spots, we have added a more complete charting of the gum pockets that surround the teeth, a review of the patient’s health history, a blood pressure screening, and other procedures to complement the normal services his hygienists provide.
The health history is particularly important, particularly if you are on a medication that gives you dry mouth. You see, saliva washes away plaque. If you are on a medication that gives you dry mouth, that means that plaque is not being washed away and potentially doing damage to your teeth and or gums. By making a health history review part of our re-care services, we can address the side effects of medication so it doesn’t harm your teeth.
Are you due for your next check-up? Please call 781-335-0604 to schedule an appointment.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Toothboss adds full mouth periodontal probing once a year to hygiene services

Years ago, periodontitis was the number one cause of adults losing their teeth. While detection and treatment of periodontitis have dramatically improved over the years, those treatments can be quite expensive. That’s why we recently included periodontal probing as an annual part of our hygiene services.

Periodontitis is essentially plaque and tartar buildup under your gums. When the tartar buildup occurs under the gums, the bacteria within the tartar have a byproduct of acid that causes degeneration of the supporting structures of the tooth. Unfortunately, many dentists don’t include full mouth periodontal probing as part of their hygiene services. So, many cases go undetected until the condition becomes serious.

One out of every two American adults aged 30 and over has periodontal disease, according to recent findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A study titled “Prevalence of Periodontitis in Adults in the United States: 2009 and 2010estimates that 47.2 percent, or 64.7 million American adults, have mild, moderate or severe periodontitis, the more advanced form of periodontal disease. In adults 65 and older, prevalence rates increase to 70.1 percent.

As a preventative step, we recommend periodontal probing once a year. Periodontal probing involves the dentist or dental hygienist examining six sites on each tooth. This enables the dentist to detect a problem in its earliest stages when it’s treatable with better brushing and flossing and other non-intrusive procedures.

If it’s been a while since your last exam or if you are unsure if you’ve ever had a check for periodontitis, please give us a call at 781-335-0604 to set up an appointment. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sugar-free doesn’t exactly mean cavity-free

For those who drink diet soda and other diet drinks, one of your primary arguments for doing so is reducing your sugar intake. While there’s been some documentation that some of the chemicals in diet sodas can play a role in weight gain, there’s mounting evidence that diet drinks with artificial sweeteners can play a role in tooth decay.

The common perception is that if there’s no sugar in a drink then it’s better for your teeth. In theory, that’s true. A regular soda with sugar is worse for your teeth than a diet soda, but that doesn’t tell the entire story.

The bacteria in your mouth will not use artificial sweetener to form acid the way it does with regular sugars. But that doesn't mean a diet soda can't harm your teeth. The diet drinks are acidic on their own without the aid of the bacteria to help form the acid. Both regular and diet soda can demineralize a tooth, causing erosion and cavities. So, although a soda with sugar may be slightly worse at causing cavities and erosion, diet drinks are not without consequences.

So what should diet-conscious consumers drink if sugar and sugar sweeteners are both bad? Good old fashioned water from the tap doesn’t cause any erosion of your teeth over any amount of exposure. It also has no calories. And, depending on your community, even offers fluoride.

Of course, it’s probably not realistic to think that people can drink only water and never have a soft drink. Moderation, as it is with everything, is the key. And if you want to have a diet soda, be sure to brush or at least rinse your mouth out with water shortly after to lessen the exposure to those acids found in diet drinks.”

Beyond drinking water and careful brushing, select drinks that utilize sweeteners made from natural ingredients, like Stevia.

The news on artificial sweeteners, however, is not all bad. In fact, there are sweeteners out there that utilize sugar alcohols that can actually protect against dental cavities, for example, Xylitol.

Xylitol is a natural sweetener sourced from strawberries and other fruits. It’s not in drinks yet, but you can find Xylitol in chewing gums, syrups, candies and tooth pastes. Bacteria in your mouth are not able to breakdown Xylitol when you chew gum or eat candy containing the ingredients. Therefore, no bacterial acids are produced. In the absence of bacterial acids, the process of cavity formation is nullified before it even begins. This makes Xylitol that rare thing – a sweetener that’s actually good for your teeth.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A donation with some teeth to it. Rasin Foundation helps The Toothboss go paperless.

When my dental practice went to paperless files, our primary thought was making the office run more efficiently and being greener. We didn’t realize how this conversion could benefit fellow dentists thousands of miles away in Haiti. Yet that’s exactly what happened when we discovered the Rasin Foundation.

I first heard about the Rasin Foundation, a Milton, MA-based non-profit from a fellow National Guardsmen, Dr. Fidel Gabriel. Fidel is a native of Haiti and he told me of the Foundation’s efforts to get supplies to start a dental practice in Leogane, Haiti. When I asked what types of items the Foundation would accept and mentioned my filing system, it was a no-brainer on this end as to what to do.

The filing system itself costs approximately $2500 but I was prepared to eat the cost of that because I believe going paperless far outweighed the cost. To find an organization like the Rasin Foundation that could benefit from the donation of the filing system was icing on the cake. The fact it was going to help a dental practice was the cherry on top.

As you can imagine, the equipment and technology that we enjoy and perhaps take for granted here in the U.S. aren’t available in remote places like Leogane, Haiti. I encourage dentists, doctors and other health care professionals to visit The Raisin Foundation’s website to see if they need other items. One man’s upgrade is another’s treasure.

For more information, visit

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Is a sports drink worse than a soda? Ask the Toothboss.

There’s the perception that sports drinks are good, soda is bad. Sports drinks hydrate, soda dehydrates you and, worse, is loaded with sugar. While you probably won’t find any dental health professional recommending a soda any time soon, it might surprise you to know what dentists view as the lesser of two evils—at least when it comes to the well-being of your teeth.

Most sports and energy drinks are loaded with sugar. In the short-term, they can re-energize you and rehydrate you somewhat. But if you drink several a day you are putting your teeth at serious risk. How? The sugar in the sports drink can combine with the bacteria in placque that has adhered to your tooth’s surface. These acids erode the enamel surface leading to cavities.

So is soda better for you than a sports or energy drink? According to a study contracted by the Academy of General Dentistry it is.

The AGD study considered what continuous exposure to a variety of “soft” drinks would do to your teeth, specifically the enamel portion of the tooth, over a 14-day period. Continuous exposure was considered several servings over the course of a 12-hour period.

The results revealed the erosion of a tooth’s enamel in milligrams:

·         Snapple Classic Lemonade – 30mg
·         Red Bull – 22mg
·         Gatorade (lemon-lime) – 20mg
·         Propel Fitness Water – 14mg
·         Arizona Iced Tea – 9 mg
·         Coca Cola – 3mg

So, technically, soda is better for your teeth than the sports drinks that promise to restore your electrolytes and other health benefits. But does that mean dentists endorse soda over sports drinks? Hardly.

The lesser of two evils is still an evil. What that study doesn’t reveal is that good old fashioned water from the tap doesn’t cause any erosion of your teeth over any amount of exposure. It also has no calories. And, depending on your community, even offers fluoride.

Of course, it’s probably not realistic to think that people can drink only water and never have a soft drink. Moderation, as it is with everything, is the key. And if you want to have a sports drink or soda, be sure to brush or at least rinse your mouth out with water shortly after to lessen the exposure to those sugars can do.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Going to the dentist is for the birds.

A patient's view at The Toothboss
Actually, the birds are for the patients. At least that’s what we tell patients when seated in our examination rooms and looking out the window to see a plethora of birds feasting at our bird feeder. The fact is we enjoy checking out the cardinals, finches, chickadees, woodpeckers and other birds those feeders attract.

Going to the dentist can be an unnerving experience for some patients. With our newly renovated waiting room and office area, as well as our examination rooms, we try to create a calming, stress-free environment. The bird feeders are part of that effort (we also have a fish tank in the dental hygienist’s examination room).

The bird feeders serve a couple of purposes. First, they offer a distraction for patients to take their mind off what the work being done (we positioned the feeders so patients can view the birds and keep their head in position for their examination). Second, bird-watching does have a soothing effect. This can be particularly effective with younger patients who are easily distracted.

For some patients, a trip to the dentist can cause debilitating anxiety that interferes with the dentist being able to do their work. For some people who are biters, their anxiety can create a dangerous situation for the dentist. That’s why many dental practices, including The Toothboss, offer sedation therapy as a stress-free way to get your dental work done. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

What’s missing in bottled water for kids? Plenty.

Give parents a choice between soda, a juice box or a bottle of water for their children and most would probably go for the bottle water. What many people don’t realize is that opting for bottled water, though better for their children than soda or sugar-loaded fruit juice, is missing a key ingredient their children need: fluoride.

Fluoride is critical for growing strong, healthy teeth. For younger patients, fluoride actually hardens teeth, making them more cavity-resistant. Unfortunately, more and more people are opting for bottled, filtered water, which has no fluoride.

Some communities, like Weymouth, have fluoride in the water—a great way to help their children grow strong healthy teeth. Because of the taste, many people prefer bottle water or filtered water over tap water and pass that habit on to their children. But kids still need fluoride to help their teeth develop.

How much? According to the American Dental Association, children should consume fluoride through drinking water or supplements in the following amounts:

·         Birth to six months – none
·         Six months to three years - .25 mg/day
·         Three to six years - .5 mg/day
·         Six years to 16 years – 1 mg/day

Many dentists have younger patients take fluoride supplements, whether they live in a community where the tap water has fluoride or not. If your child is under 10 and not taking supplements, please contact our office at 781-335-0604.

To find out whether or not your town is a fluoridated community, please click on this link to go to a map from the Massachusetts Dental Society website, You can also call your town’s Water Department.

Friday, April 5, 2013

A reason to brush with your kids

One reason parents brush their teeth with their children is to make sure they are brushing the way the dentist instructed. Perhaps a better reason is so parents can remind themselves to do the same. Particularly as it pertains to time.

Most dentists recommend you brush your teeth a minimum of two minutes at a clip, twice a day. In fact, there are many children’s toothbrushes that light up for that amount of time so children know how long to brush. The Toothboss actually gives some of our younger patients hour glasses so children can know how long to brush.

While we don’t really have something like that for grownups, there really is no age limit on the hour glasses. And if your last checkup didn’t go so well, brushing longer, in addition to flossing, is one way to get better results.

As far as frequency of brushing is concerned, ideally you want to brush your teeth after each meal. But if you can’t, brush at least twice a day- after breakfast and before going to bed.

If you have any questions about brushing technique in or around South Weymouth, give us a call today!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day--with ice cream?

: Dr. Richard Wolfert, AKA “The Toothboss” (far left) poses with Friendly’s Chris Lund, Kelsy Bannon and Owner Bobby Arruda. Dr. Wolfert and Friendly’s locations in Weymouth are celebrating National Tooth Fairy Day the week of March 4.
For most children and their parents, the celebration for losing a tooth involves a visit from the Tooth Fairy and some monetary reward. Left out of the equation is the person who cares for your children’s teeth: your dentist. That’s why we decided to join the celebration of National Tooth Fairy Day, February 28, with local Friendly’s restaurants in Weymouth.
The Toothboss donated 200 toothbrushes to the two Friendly’s Restaurants in Weymouth. The toothbrushes were given out to customers under the age of 12 who visit Friendly’s at 1021 Main Street and 415 Washington Street in Weymouth the week of March 4.
Now, I know what you're saying. This may seem kind of an unusual alliance, but an occasional sweet like ice cream isn’t the end of the world as long as you are consistently taking care of your teeth. That means brushing, flossing and regular checkups at the dentist.
In addition to toothbrushes, the gift bags given out included a coupon for a free checkup, X-rays and a cleaning that can be used by any member of the family, not just the kids.
“On behalf of our younger customers, we’d like to thank Dr. Wolfert for his generous donation of the toothbrushes and free exam. It’s a great reminder for kids and their families to brush their teeth and get regular checkups at the dentist,” said Bobby Arruda, owner of both Friendly’s locations in Weymouth.
As part of his Tooth Fairy Day, we're also handing out Friendly’s coupons to younger Toothboss patients with one stipulation: you must brush after every meal.
You are never too young to start taking proper care of your teeth. But with all the studies linking dental hygiene or lack thereof to serious conditions, it’s critical for everybody to take better care of their teeth. Especially on National Tooth Fairy Day.   
For more information on the Toothboss, visit Dr. Wolfert’s website at or call 781-335-0604 to schedule a consultation.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Some more fun dental facts to kick off 2013

Hope everybody had a great holiday season. With the new year in full swing, here are some fun, helpful and, in some cases, frightening dental facts for your perusal:

  • You should not keep your toothbrush near a toilet. The airborne particles from the flush can travel up to a distance of six feet. Ew!
  • People who drink three or more glasses of soda each day have 62 percent more tooth decay, fillings and tooth loss than others. 
  • According to a recent survey done by Time Magazine, 59% of Americans would rather have a dental appointment than be sitting next to someone talking on a cell phone. Can you hear me now?
  • You should replace your toothbrush at least every three months, and always after you have an episode of flu, cold or other viral infections. Notorious bacteria can implant themselves on the toothbrush bristles leading to re-infection.
  • Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. However, it is not recommend using your pearly whites to open bottle caps. 
  • The standard advice to “see your dentist twice a year” was actually invented by an ad agency for Pepsodent toothpaste. Your dental professional should recommend the correct schedule for your regular dental visits.
  • Over three out of four people in the United States suffer from some form of gum disease. It is the leading cause of tooth loss in people over age 35. The good news is, in most cases, gum disease can be prevented or controlled.